Thursday, December 22, 2011

Commencement speech delivered by late Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple Computer,on June 12, 2005.

I am honored to be with you today at your 
commencement from one of the finest 
universities in the world. I never graduated 
from college. Truth be told, this is the closest 
I've ever gotten to a college graduation. 
Today I want to tell you three stories from 
my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three 
The first story is about connecting the dots. 
I dropped out of Reed College after the first 
6 months, but then stayed around as a 
drop-in for another 18 months or so before 
I really quit. So why did I drop out? 
It started before I was born. My biological 
mother was a young, unwed college 
graduate student, and she decided to put 
me up for adoption. She felt very strongly 
that I should be adopted by college 
graduates, so everything was all set for me 
to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his 
wife. Except that when I popped out they 
decided at the last minute that they really 
wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a 
waiting list, got a call in the middle of the 
night asking: "We have an unexpected baby 
boy; do you want him?" They said: "Of 
course." My biological mother later found 
out that my mother had never graduated 
from college and that my father had never 
graduated from high school. She refused to 
sign the final adoption papers. She only 
relented a few months later when my 
parents promised that I would someday go 
to college. 
And 17 years later I did go to college. But I 
naively chose a college that was almost as 
expensive as Stanford, and all of my 
working-class parents' savings were being 
spent on my college tuition. After six 
months, I couldn't see the value in it. I had 
no idea what I wanted to do with my life 
and no idea how college was going to help 
me figure it out. And here I was spending all 
of the money my parents had saved their 
entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust 
that it would all work out OK. It was pretty 
scary at the time, but looking back it was 
one of the best decisions I ever made. The 
minute I dropped out I could stop taking the 
required classes that didn't interest me, and 
begin dropping in on the ones that looked 
It wasn't all romantic. I didn't have a dorm 
room, so I slept on the floor in friends' 
rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5 
deposits to buy food with, and I would walk 
the 7 miles across town every Sunday night 
to get one good meal a week at the Hare 
Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what 
I stumbled into by following my curiosity 
and intuition turned out to be priceless later 
on. Let me give you one example: 
Reed College at that time offered perhaps 
the best calligraphy instruction in the 
country. Throughout the campus every 
poster, every label on every drawer, was 
beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had 
dropped out and didn't have to take the 
normal classes, I decided to take a 
calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I 
learned about serif and san serif typefaces, 
about varying the amount of space between 
different letter combinations, about what 
makes great typography great. It was 
beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a 
way that science can't capture, and I found 
it fascinating. 
None of this had even a hope of any 
practical application in my life. But ten years 
later, when we were designing the first 
Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. 
And we designed it all into the Mac. It was 
the first computer with beautiful 
typography. If I had never dropped in on 
that single course in college, the Mac would 
have never had multiple typefaces or 
proportionally spaced fonts. And since 
Windows just copied the Mac, it's likely that 
no personal computer would have them. If I 
had never dropped out, I would have never 
dropped in on this calligraphy class, and 
personal computers might not have the 
wonderful typography that they do. Of 
course it was impossible to connect the dots 
looking forward when I was in college. But 
it was very, very clear looking backwards ten 
years later. 
Again, you can't connect the dots looking 
forward; you can only connect them looking 
backwards. So you have to trust that the 
dots will somehow connect in your future. 
You have to trust in something " your gut, 
destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach 
has never let me down, and it has made all 
the difference in my life. 
My second story is about love and loss. 
I was lucky " I found what I loved to do early 
in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents 
garage when I was 20. We worked hard, 
and in 10 years Apple had grown from just 
the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion 
company with over 4000 employees. We 
had just released our finest creation " the 
Macintosh " a year earlier, and I had just 
turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you 
get fired from a company you started? Well, 
as Apple grew we hired someone who I 
thought was very talented to run the 
company with me, and for the first year or 
so things went well. But then our visions of 
the future began to diverge and eventually 
we had a falling out. When we did, our 
Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I 
was out. And very publicly out. What had 
been the focus of my entire adult life was 
gone, and it was devastating. 
I really didn't know what to do for a few 
months. I felt that I had let the previous 
generation of entrepreneurs down - that I 
had dropped the baton as it was being 
passed to me. I met with David Packard and 
Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for 
screwing up so badly. I was a very public 
failure, and I even thought about running 
away from the valley. But something slowly 
began to dawn on me " I still loved what I 
did. The turn of events at Apple had not 
changed that one bit. I had been rejected, 
but I was still in love. And so I decided to 
start over. 
I didn't see it then, but it turned out that 
getting fired from Apple was the best thing 
that could have ever happened to me. The 
heaviness of being successful was replaced 
by the lightness of being a beginner again, 
less sure about everything. It freed me to 
enter one of the most creative periods of my 
During the next five years, I started a 
company named NeXT, another company 
named Pixar, and fell in love with an 
amazing woman who would become my 
wife. Pixar went on to create the worlds first 
computer animated feature film, Toy Story, 
and is now the most successful animation 
studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of 
events, Apple bought NeXT, I returned to 
Apple, and the technology we developed at 
NeXT is at the heart of Apple's current 
renaissance. And Laurene and I have a 
wonderful family together. 
I'm pretty sure none of this would have 
happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. 
It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess 
the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits 
you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. 
I'm convinced that the only thing that kept 
me going was that I loved what I did. You've 
got to find what you love. And that is as true 
for your work as it is for your lovers. Your 
work is going to fill a large part of your life, 
and the only way to be truly satisfied is to 
do what you believe is great work. And the 
only way to do great work is to love what 
you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep 
looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of 
the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, 
like any great relationship, it just gets better 
and better as the years roll on. So keep 
looking until you find it. Don't settle. 
My third story is about death. 
When I was 17, I read a quote that went 
something like: "If you live each day as if it 
was your last, someday you'll most certainly 
be right." It made an impression on me, and 
since then, for the past 33 years, I have 
looked in the mirror every morning and 
asked myself: "If today were the last day of 
my life, would I want to do what I am about 
to do today?" And whenever the answer has 
been "No" for too many days in a row, I 
know I need to change something. 
Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the 
most important tool I've ever encountered 
to help me make the big choices in life. 
Because almost everything " all external 
expectations, all pride, all fear of 
embarrassment or failure - these things just 
fall away in the face of death, leaving only 
what is truly important. Remembering that 
you are going to die is the best way I know 
to avoid the trap of thinking you have 
something to lose. You are already naked. 
There is no reason not to follow your heart. 
About a year ago I was diagnosed with 
cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, 
and it clearly showed a tumor on my 
pancreas. I didn't even know what a 
pancreas was. The doctors told me this was 
almost certainly a type of cancer that is 
incurable, and that I should expect to live no 
longer than three to six months. My doctor 
advised me to go home and get my affairs in 
order, which is doctor's code for prepare to 
die. It means to try to tell your kids 
everything you thought you'd have the next 
10 years to tell them in just a few months. It 
means to make sure everything is buttoned 
up so that it will be as easy as possible for 
your family. It means to say your goodbyes. 
I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that 
evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an 
endoscope down my throat, through my 
stomach and into my intestines, put a needle 
into my pancreas and got a few cells from 
the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who 
was there, told me that when they viewed 
the cells under a microscope the doctors 
started crying because it turned out to be a 
very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is 
curable with surgery. I had the surgery and 
I'm fine now. 
This was the closest I've been to facing 
death, and I hope it's the closest I get for a 
few more decades. Having lived through it, I 
can now say this to you with a bit more 
certainty than when death was a useful but 
purely intellectual concept: 
No one wants to die. Even people who want 
to go to heaven don't want to die to get 
there. And yet death is the destination we all 
share. No one has ever escaped it. And that 
is as it should be, because Death is very likely 
the single best invention of Life. It is Life's 
change agent. It clears out the old to make 
way for the new. Right now the new is you, 
but someday not too long from now, you 
will gradually become the old and be cleared 
away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite 
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living 
someone else's life. Don't be trapped by 
dogma " which is living with the results of 
other people's thinking. Don't let the noise 
of others' opinions drown out your own 
inner voice. And most important, have the 
courage to follow your heart and intuition. 
They somehow already know what you truly 
want to become. Everything else is 
When I was young, there was an amazing 
publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, 
which was one of the bibles of my 
generation. It was created by a fellow 
named Stewart Brand not far from here in 
Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his 
poetic touch. This was in the late 1960's, 
before personal computers and desktop 
publishing, so it was all made with 
typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. 
It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 
35 years before Google came along: it was 
idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools 
and great notions. 
Stewart and his team put out several issues 
of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when 
it had run its course, they put out a final 
issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your 
age. On the back cover of their final issue 
was a photograph of an early morning 
country road, the kind you might find 
yourself hitchhiking on if you were so 
adventurous. Beneath it were the words: 
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." It was their 
farewell message as they signed off. Stay 
Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always 
wished that for myself. And now, as you 
graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. 
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. 
Thank you all very much.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Shed a Tear: A Tribute to The Martyrs
of Kashmir 2010
"Nobody who enters Paradise will (ever like
to) return to this world even if he were
offered everything on the surface of the
earth (as an inducement ) except the martyr
who will desire to return to this world and be
killed ten times for the sake of the great
honour that has been bestowed upon
him." (Sahih Muslim)
Kashmir Martyrs 2010
1.8th of January, 2010, 16 year old Inayat
Ahmad of Dalgate Srinagar was killed in CRPF
firing at Budshah Chowk.
2.31st of Feb,2010,W amiq Farooq, 13, of
Rainawari Srinagar was killed when a teargas
shell fired by police hits him on his head
3.Tufail Ashraf Mattoo, 17, of Saida Kadal killed
by police tear gas canister at Gani stadium
Rajouri Kadal on June 11.
4.Muhammad Rafiq Bangroo, 24, of Dana
Mazar Safa Kadal beaten by CRPF on June 12
near his residence. He succumbed to injuries
on June 20.
5.Javed Ahmed Malla, 19, of Palpora Noorbagh
killed by CRPF or police on June 20 at Waniyar
6.Aziz Malik of Chuntwari, Machill Kupwara,
killed by armed forces on June 20 at Machill
sector of LoC.
7.Mazloom Malik of Chuntwari Kupwara, killed
by armed forces on June 20 at Machill sector
of LoC.
8.Firdous Ahmed Kakroo, 16 of Niglee Sopore,
Baramulla killed by CRPF on June 25 near
Jamia Qadeem in Sopore.
9.Shakeel Ahmed Ganai, 24 of Lalad Sopore
killed by 177 batallion of CRPF at Chankhan
10.Bilal Ahmed Wani, 22, of Kraltaeng Sopore,
killed by CRPF bullet in Kraltaeng on June 27.
11.Tajamul Bashir Bhat, 17, of Wadoora
Sopore, killed by CRPF or SOG at Kapra Cinema
in Sopore outside headquater s of 92
battalion of CRPF.
12.Tauqeer (Asif) Ahmed Rather, 09, of
Rather Muhalla of Delina, Baramullah , killed
by CRPF on June 28.
13..Ishtiy aq Ahmed Khanday, 15, of SK
Colony, Islamabad, killed by police on June
14..Imtiya z Ahmed Ittoo, 17, of Watergam
Dailgam Islamabad, killed by police in SK
Colony Islamabad on June 29.
15.Shuja'a t ul Islam, 17 of Anchidora
Islamabad, killed by police at SK Colony
Islamabad on June 29.
16.Muzaffa r Ahmed Bhat, 17, of Gangbug,
Batamaloo, and body recovered from Doodh
Ganga Nallah in Baramullah on June 06
alegedly arrested by CRPF on July 05 and
tortured to death.
17.Fayaz Ahmed Wani, 24, of Gangbug
Batamaloo, killed by CRPF or police firing at
Batamaloo on July 06
18.Yasmeen Jan, 25, of Lashmanpor a
Danderkha, Batamaloo, killed by CRPF/polic
e firing at her residence in Danderkhah on
July 06.
19.Abrar Ahmed Khan, 16 of Maisuma Bund
killed alegedly by police CRPF firing at
Maisuma on July 06.
20.Faizaan Ahmed Bhuhroo, 13, of Jalal Sahib
Baramulla, died by drowning after SOG men
were trying to arrest him on July 17.
21.Fayaz Ahmed Khanday, 23, of Binner
Baramulla, killed by CRPF in Baramulla.
22.Tariq Ahmed Dar, 17 of Panzala, Rafiabad,
Baramulla, killed in police custody on July 25.
23.Muhamma d Ahsan Ganai, 45 of Amargarh
Sopore killed by CRPF at Krankshiva n Colony
on July 30.
24.Showkat Ahmed Chopan, 17, of Amargarh
Sopore killed at Kranshivan Colony on Juky
25.Adil Ramzaan Sheikh, 13 of Pattan killed by
CRPF at Pattan on july 30.
26.Nazir Ahmed Mir, 23, of Sheeri Baramulla
killed by CRPF at Pattan on July 30.
27.Javid Ahmed Teli, 20, of Bungalbagh
Baramulla, killed by SOG at Cement Bridge
Baramulla on July 31.
28.Mudassi r Ahmed Lone, 17, of Herpora
Naidkhai, Sumbal killed by CRPF/polic e at IRP
camp in Naidkhai on July 31.
29.Nayeem Ahmed Shah, 20 of Pampore killed
by CRPF at Pampore on August 01
30.Rayees Ahmed Wani, 18 of pampore killed
by CRPF at Pampore on August 01.
31.Afrooza Teli of Khrew of Pampore killed
by CRPF at her residence on August 01.
32.Javed Ahmed Sheikh, 18 of Wuyen
Pampore killed in blast in police station at
Khrew on August 01.
33.Muhamma d Amin Lone, 22 of Shalnag
Khrew killed in blast in police station at Krew
on August 01.
34.Bashara t Ahmed Reshi, 14 of Wachi
Sangam killed by police near his residence on
August 02.
35.Irshad Ahmed Bhat, 17 of Reshipora,
Sangam tortured and killed alegedly by CRPF
and police on August 02.
36.Ashiq Hussain Bhat, 15, of Kulgam
Islamabad killed by CRPF at Chawalgam on
August 02.
37.Rameez Ahmed Bhat, 16, of Kulgam killed
by CRPF at Kulgam on August 02.
38.Hafiz Muhammad Yaqoob Bhat, 22 of
Zadoora Kakapora Pulwama killed by CRPF at
Kakpora on August 02.
39.Tariq Ahmed Dar, 17 of Semthan Bijbehara
wounded by CRPF on August 01 and
succumbed to injuries on August 02.
40.Khurshe ed Ahmed War, 27, of Shumnag
Kralpora Kupwara killed by CRPF at
Khuzunmati bridge near Kralpora on August
41.Sameer Ahmed Rah, 09 of Batamaloo
Srinagar killed by CRPF at Batamaloo on
August 02.
42.Mehraj ud din Lone, 23 of Barthana
Qamarwai killed by CRPF at Qamarwari police
station on August 03.
43.Anis Ahmed Ganai, 17, of Dangerpora
Narwara killed by CRPF at Eidgah on August
44.Suhail Ahmed Dar, 15, of Zainakote
Srinagar killed by CRPF at Parimpora on
August 03.
45.Jehangi r Ahmed Bhat, 23, of Chenigam
Yaripora killed by CRPF at Kulgam on August
46.Riyaz Ahmed Bhat, 25 of Khrew injured by
CRPF at Khrew on August succumbed to
injuries on August 03.
47.Muhamma d Yaqoob Bhat, 20 of Nund
Reshi Colony Bemina, killed by CRPF at Bemina
on August 04.
48.Muhamma d Iqbal Khan, 22 of Lone
Muhalla Chanapora injured by CRPF on July 30
at Chanapora succumbed to injuries on
August 04.
49.Shabir Ahmed Malik, 30 of Lonepora Newa
Pulwama, killed by CRPF at Pulwama on
August 04.
50.Ghulam Nabi Badyari, 48 of Ganpatyar,
Habba Kadal, killed by CRPF at his residence on
August 05.
51.Rameez Ahmed, 22, of Mundji Sopore killed
by CRPF at Warpora on August 06.
52.Aisha Sheikh of Ganpatyar Habba Kadal
succumbed to sling shot injury at her
residence on August 07.
53.Fida Nabi Lone, 20, of Qamarwari, injured
in CRPF action at Qamarwari on August 03
and succumbed to injuries on August 08.
54.Farrukh Bukhari, 19, of Kreeri Pattan
whose body was found at Kreeri on August
11 after 13 days of his disappeara nce.
55.Mudasir Ahmad Zargar, 16, of Trehgam
Kupwara, killed in police and CRPF firing on
August 13.
56.Ali Mohammad Khanday, 60, of Khanday
Mohalla Pattan, killed in police and CRPF firing
on August 13.
57.Arif Mir, 19, of Lagropora, Sopore killed in
CRPF firing on August 13.
58.Sameer Lone, 18, of Lagropora, Sopore
killed in CRPF firing on August 13
59.Irshad Ahmad Latoo, 35, of S K Colony
Islamabad killed by police and paramilita ry
CRPF troopers on 14th August
60.Umar Ahmad Dar, 16, of Narbal Srinagar
killed by CRPF on 14th August
61.Muhamma d Abbas Dhobi, 30, of Mattan
Islamabad beaten up by police and CRPF
succumbed on 17th August.
62.Milat Ahmad Dar An eight-year -old boy of
Harnag , Islambad, injured and later
succumbed on 19th August. He was critically
injured by paramilita ry forces while playing
in a field.
63.Mudasir Ahmed Hajam, 19, Sopore,
sustained bullet injury on 19th Aug by CRPF
and succumbed on 20th August morning.
64.Nazir Ahmed Sheikh, 25, Bijbehara in South
Kashmir’s Islamabad district. Fired by CRPF on
20th August died on way to hospital.
65.Bilal Ahmad Sheikh, 22 year old,
succumbed to his injuries on 23rd Aug was
seriously injured on 14 August. A resident of
Singhpora Pattan.
66.Omar Qayooom Bhat, 17 year old. Of
Anchar Soura. Ruthlessly beaten by
paramilita ry CRPF troopers and police on
20th August. Admitted in Hospital on 23rd
August after his release and Succumbed on
25th August.
67.Irshad Ahmad Parray, 11, Old Eidgah
Islamabad, sustained pellet injuries in his
vital organs and succumbed on his way to
hospital on August 30.
68.Feroz Ahmad Malik, 17, Palhalan Pattan,
fired by cops on 6th September and brought
dead to sub
69.Mudasir Ahmad Mir, 23, Ussan Pattan,
fired by cops on 6th september scummbed to
his injuries on way
70.Noorudi n Tantray, 26, Tantrypora Pattan,
fired by cops on 6th september and
scummbed to his injuries on way to hospital.
71.Muhamma d Ramzan Mir, 45, Ussan
Pattan, fired by cops on 6th september and
scummbed to his injuries on way to hospital.
It was fourth killing on 6th September.
72.Imran Ahmad Dar, 25, Zadibal, crtically
injured by CRPF on 2nd Septemeber
scummbed on 8th Septemeber at Soura
73.Ghulam Muhammad Guroo, 55, maloora
Khujibagh Sumbal, received head injury in
clashes on 8th September and scummbed on
9th Septemeber at Soura hospital.
74.Muhamma d Ashraf Mir,34, Palhallan
Pattan, Sustained critical injuries in neck in
indiscrimi nate firing by police on 6th
September and scummbbed to his injuries at
Soura hospital on 12th September.
75.Nisar Ahmad Bhat, Ajas Bandipora, fired
upon by Border Security Force (BSF) killing
him onspot on 13th September.
76.Nisar Ahmad Kuchay,22, Humhama , Fired
upon by police injuring him critically . Taken
to Soura hospital where he succumbs after
few hours on 13th September.
77.Ghulam Rasool Tantray, 50, sustained
bullet injuries at Humhama on 13th
September sccumbs on the same day at Soura
78.Danish Nabi, 13, Charar-i-S harief, was
killed in CRPF firing near Hanwari near Char
town on Sep 13. He was a seventh class
79.Mudasir Ahmad Parray, Kreshama
Tangmarg, Killed in Police and CRPF firing on
Sep 13.
80.Tariq Ahmad Ganai, Tillegam Tangmarg,
Killed in Police and CRPF firing on Sep 13.
81.Abdul Majid Kuzzar, Bonegam Kunzer, killed
in Police and CRPF firing on Sep 13 in
Tangmarg north Kashmir.
82.Iqbal Ahmad Malik, Tumberhama
Tangmarg, Killed when CRPF and Police
opened fire on people on Sep 13.
83.Abdul Qayoom Wani, Waniloo Tangmarg,
Killed in Police and CRPF firing on Sep 13.
84.Afaq Ahmad Khan, Iqbal Colony Tangmarg,
Killed in Police and CRPF firing on Sep 13.
85.Javaid Ahmad Rather, 24, Kadalbal
Pampore, Killed in Police and CRPF firing on
Sep 13.
86.Ajaz Ahmad Wagay, 26, Kadalbal Pampore,
Killed in Police and CRPF firing on Sep 13.
87.Riyaz Ahmad Sheikh, 28, Tengan pampore,
Killed in Police and CRPF firing on sep 13.
88.Javaid Ahmad Teli, Humhama, Killed by
troopers and Polce firing on Sep 13.
89.Rafiqa Bano, (Female), Ompora Budgam,
Killed when CRPF and Polce opened fire in
Budgam to disperse protestors on Sep 13.
90.Showkat Ahmad Mir, Budgam, was
district president of JKLF (R), killed by CRPF
and Police firing when he was leading a
procession in main Budgam town on Sep 13.
91.Aqib Ahmad wagay, 14, Islamabad, Killed
by CRPF and Polce men at Sarnal Islamabad
outside the house of NC MP Mehboob Beigh in
an unprovoked firing on Sep 13.
92.Muhamma d Rafiq Teli, Chanikhan Sopore,
Killed in CRPF firing on Sep 13.
93.Adil Ahmad, Humhama, Sccumbed to his
injuries at SMHS hospital on Sep 13. It was a
bloody monday (Sep 13) in which more than
17 people were killed in a single day with
many crtical and many missing.
94.Abdul Qayoom, Sangrama, injured in CRPF
and police firing at Tangmarg on Sep 13 and
sccumbed to his injuries on morning of 14th
95.Arshad Khan, Arari Mendhar Poonch, killed
when Policemen led by local SDPO opned fire
on students protesting against desceratio n
of Quran in US and in Soldarity with Kashmir
on Sep 15.
96.Baghdad Hussain Shah, Gulad Mendhar
Poonch, Killed in Police firing at Mendhar
Poonch on Sep 15.
97.Shameem Ahmad, Jagil Mendhar Poonch,
Killed in Police firing in the frontier district on
Poonch on Sep 15.
98.Alamdar Shah, Gulad Mendhar, killed in
CRPF police firing in poonch district on Sep
15. It was fourth killing on a single day in
99.Mudasir Ahmad Kana, 20, Batapora
Sopore, killed when CRPF opned fire on
protestors in Sopore. Received bullet injury
and died on way to hospital on Sep15.
100.Hajira , 55, Redwani Kulgam, died of
heart attack after CRPF ransacked her house.
She was taken to hospital but was decleared
brought dead by doctors.
101.Yasir Hameed Sheikh, Maisuma Srinagar,
injured in police firing on August 30
succumbed on Sep 16.
102.Fayaz Ahmad Dar, 22, Surpura Beeru in
Budgam, Killed when Army's 2 RR opened fire
on group of people. He got seriously injured
and was taken to hospital where he
succumbed on Sep 17.
103.Ghulam Rasool Bhat, Tapper Pattan,
Killed when Indian forces opned fire at
protestors killing him and injuring many
others on Sep 17.
104.Imtiya z Ahmad, 23, Pallipora Shopian,
Killed when Indian forces resorted to
indiscrimi nate firing him and injuring six
others on Sep 17.
105.Raju Nath, 14, Nathpora Khanbal, he had
jumped into the river Jehlum after being
chased away by Indian forces. His body was
fished later on Sep 18.
106.Fayaz Ahmad Naikoo, Bemina Srinagar,
injured on Sep14 in forces and police firing
and Succumbed to his injuries at Soura
hospital on Sep 18.
107.Noor-u l-Amin Dagga, 30, Naibasti
Islamabad, Killed when CRPF and Police
opened fire on funeral procession of Raju
Nath, 14 year old boy. Noor-ul-Am in died on
way to hospital on Sep 18.
108.Insar Ahmad Tantray, 27, Palhalan Pattan,
Killed when Indian forces opened fire on
people, he received bullet in chest and died
on way to hospital on Sep 18. He was a
student of Kashmir University doing Masters
in English.
109.Ali Muhammad Waza, 30, Tantray Mohalla
Pattan, Killed when Indian forces opened fire
on people. He received critical injuries and
succumbed in hospital after few hours on Sep
110.Muhamm ad Amin Ganai, 25, Tappar
Pattan, has sustained firearm arm injury to his
spine when police opened fire on protestors
at Tappar Payeen on Sep 17. he succumbed to
his injuries on Sep 19 at Soura hospital.
111.Shabir Ahmad Dar, 25, Lider-mund
Pulwama, sustained firearm injuries to his
abdomen on Sep 13 when forces opened fire
on people. He succumbed on Sep 19 at Soura
112.Bilal Ahmad Najar, Khanabal Islamabad,
injured on Sep 18 in forces firing. He
succumbed to his injuries on Sep 19 at SMHS
113.Mubeen a Akhtar, 30, Natipora Sopore,
sustained firearm injury in abdomen when
patrol party of forces opened fire on
pedestrian s. She was taken to sopore
hospital and referred to SMHS hospital
srinagar were she was decleared brought
dead on Sep 19
114.Altaf Ahmad, 25, Matipora Islamabad,
beaten by army and got severely injured and
was rushed to hospital and succumbed on
Sep 20 after battling with life for three days.
115.Sajad Ahmad Pandit, 25, Sheikhpora
Humhama, was seriously injured on Sep 13 at
Humhama when CRPF and police opened fire
to quell pro-freedo m demonstrat ion. He
succumbed to his injuries at Soura hospital
on Sep 22.
116.Umar Sulaiman Bhat, 16, Puthka Sopore,
had received firearm injury in thigh when
Indian troops belonging to Rashtriya Rifles
(RR) firied on him on September 16. He
succumbed to his injuries at Soura hospital
on October 02.
117.Ghulam Nabi Mir, 55, Kadalabal Pampore,
injured in Police (SOG) Special Operation
Group and CRPF beating on October 07
resulting into severe head injuries, was taken
into Soura hospital where he succumbed to
his injuries on October 15.
118.14-yea r-old Arif Ahmad Bhat, son of
Javed Ahmad Bhat of Chinkral Mohalla in
uptown here had sustained critical injuries
when a police teargas shell hit him on the
head during clashes between protesters and
police in Srinagar’s Maisuma locality on
October, 25, 2009. He was rushed to SK
Institute of Medical Sciences, Soura where he
remained in coma for 8 months. He breathed
his last on November 12.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Must Read For Those Who Desire A Love Marriage In Kashmir. . .

Love Marriages around the world are simple...
Boy loves Girl. Girl loves Boy...
They get married...
In India, there are few more steps...
Boy loves Girl. Girl loves Boy...
Girl's family has to love Boy. Boy's family has
to love Girl...
Girl's family has to love Boy's family. Boy's
family has to love Girl's family...
Girl and Boy still love each other...
They get married...
In Kashmir, there are further more steps...
Boy loves Girl. Girl loves Boy...
Girl's family has to love Boy. Boy's family has
to love Girl...
Girl's family has to love Boy's family. Boy's
family has to love Girl's family...
Girl's family has to love Boy's relatives. Boy's
family has to love Girl's relatives...
Girl and Boy still love each other. They finally
get married...
Happy Ending... :)